Now that I’m in the full swing of my 30’s, I’m starting to notice my skin isn’t quite what it used to be. Lines are beginning to form and it is a little duller than I remember. So, refusing to let Mother Nature and genetics get the upper hand, I took matters into my own hands. Yes… I’m talking about the “B” word… Botox! I toyed with the idea for about three years but never got up the nerve to pull the trigger. It wasn’t until my good friend messaged me with an incredible offer on Botox. That’s all it took for me to take the Botox plunge. However, being a younger guy, I did not want to go crazy and look like a pin cushion in a Vera Wang workroom. I simply wanted to improve the look of some moderate frown lines between my brows. A few minor injections here and there, and voila! The results were fabulous! Even better, there is no surgery and no recovery time – just instant results!