What a Difference a Glass Makes

What’s in a Glass? If you drink wine, you’ve probably had discussions or read articles about glassware. One person says plastic tumblers or canning jars are perfectly OK and the next says the right glassware is critical to enjoying your wine. So…who’s right?

Jill, our staff, and I use Riedel Overture series Magnum red wine glasses for almost everything we drink. And, since we drink primarily red wines, this is OK. They’re perfect for drinking Cabs and Merlots because they are thin and they bring out the nose and flavors so well. And, as an added bonus, the Vinum series are very sturdy and inexpensive, as well. We received a set of four of them two and a half years ago as a gift and, even though they are used everyday, we still have two of them intact.

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