University of Providence Professor with a World of Knowledge
Text by Holly Matkin • Photography by Jim Wells

Born and raised in Austria, Dr. Sylvia Lindinger-Sternart has traveled the globe as a student, speaker, researcher and humanitarian.
Many people are fortunate to have one successful career in their lifetime. Dr. Sylvia Lindinger-Sternart, program coordinator and core faculty for the Master of Science in Counseling at the University of Providence, is currently in the midst of successful career number two.
Originally educated and employed as a mechanical engineer, Dr. Lindinger-Sternart later found herself drawn to the study of mental health. “I truly loved both fields,” she says. “But I thought maybe I could help people to develop themselves and to be healthy.”
Dr. Lindinger-Sternart went on to obtain four additional degrees in both Austria and the United States, culminating with her Ph.D. of Counselor Education and Supervision. Despite her countless accomplishments, she remains ever humble and open-minded – traits undoubtedly bolstered by the time she has spent gaining insight from cultures around the world.
Dr. Lindinger-Sternart is currently teaching three courses at University of Providence, and is quick to identify her favorite thing about living in Great Falls. “It’s the students, of course,” she says. “I’m motivated by making a positive impact. I want to help students to become the best clinicians so they can help others. And I love the landscape: the wide, endless land.”